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nor voter suppression
nor massive disinformation campaigns can stay LAAD
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„Už mūsų ir jūsų laisvę!“
šūkis, kviečiantis vienytis bendrai kovai prieš autoritarinę ar totalitarinę valdžią dėl tautinio išsivadavimo ir pilietinių teisių.
"For our freedom and yours!"
a slogan calling for a united struggle against authoritarian or totalitarian rule for national liberation and civil rights.
Attributed to Joachim Lelewel (1785-1861), an alumnus of and teacher at Vilnius University who wrote numerous historic tracts. He was a participant in the 1830-1831 Polish-Lithuanian revolution against the Tsar after which he fled to Paris and lived in Western Europe the remainder of his years. He was an ardent supporter of popular democracy and is buried in the Rasų Cemetery in Vilnius.