Republicans govern for their supporters alone; Democrats for the larger whole.
Republicans see the Democrats’ inability to sink to their level as a weakness, and while sometimes it’s tempting to ignore Michelle Obama’s credo of “when they go low, we go high,” more rational heads should prevail. The Republican brand of governance is a mirror into their own shortsightedness and flawed representation. To them, the big picture is only as big as themselves — they govern for their supporters alone and attempt to push policies that reflect the America they wish to see (the mythical ‘things were better in the old days’), even if the majority of the country doesn’t feel the same way.
Democrats, for all their flaws, see their big picture through the lens of America. They might get caught up in the Red vs. Blue quagmire from time to time, but overall they still recognize and respect that both sides are part of the larger whole. For Democrats, being a Republican doesn’t disqualify you from their vision of the country or automatically sort you into the ‘enemy’ category. Regardless of whether or not you agree with them, they’ll still work to improve the lives and fight for the rights of all American citizens, just as Justice Ginsburg dedicated her life to do.